Russell Conwell - Author of Acres of Diamonds

These authors and those who followed similar paths adorn many a success library bookshelf, and millions around the world credit their own success to those authors. Much has been written about them since.
Yet there is a name which is often left out of the list, though no less influential: Russell Conwell. His famous lecture, Acres of Diamonds, however, is just as well-known and respected as the works of Hill, Wattles, and Marden. From 1869 to 1924 - Conwell delivered the lecture in various forms as many as 250 times a year - a stunning 6,152 times around the world over 55 years.
It is estimated that 13 million people heard him during that time. The central message: that everyone has the opportunity to make more of themselves, with their own skill, with their own energy, and with their own friends.
Dr. Russell Herman Conwell (1843-1925), served as a captain in the Union Army, as a journalist, an orator, an attorney, a law tutor, and as a minister of the gospel during his lifetime. His success in each of these ventures uniquely qualified him as an influential leader and teacher. Conwell's contributions to the world extend well beyond one lecture and you'll learn all about him here.
I will endeavor here to introduce you to the life of Dr. Conwell through his books, his lectures, and his life experiences - a wealth of excellent counsel useful to us in the 21st century as much as in his era over 100 years ago.
As I continue to add content and new perspectives to the website, you'll have the opportunity to discover the lessons of an exceptional life which will be of special value to you in your personal and professional growth. Among the many things you'll find here:
- New, enhanced editions of Russell Conwell's books, as they become available.
- Study guides I'm writing which you can use for your small group, homeschooling, or personal study.
- Articles covering the wide variety of Dr. Conwell's life experiences - and how they apply to us today.
- ...and much, much more.
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